Chapter of the 8AM journey

Chapter 1 of many in the unfolding story of 8AM, a leading production company in Barcelona, marks the beginning of an exciting journey for us.

This summer, we curated a collection of some of our most notable projects, each one representing a significant milestone for our production agency. From the earliest stages of content production to the final product, every project has been infused with the passion, creativity, and dedication that defines 8AM.

As a video production agency and artist management company, we specialize in offering creative services for a diverse range of projects, including fashion photography, fashion video, and fashion product photography. Every step, from concept to execution, has been a labor of love, driven by the vision of our talented team. Our goal is always to exceed expectations, delivering content that stands out in today’s digital world. Now, we’re excited to share these achievements with the world as a testament to the hard work and innovation that fuel 8AM.

Accompanied by a song that continues to inspire us, this showcase embodies the essence of what we do as a production company—pushing boundaries and constantly evolving. It reflects our growth as a content production agency and highlights our commitment to offering top-notch services in digital product design, video production, and beyond. From fashion photography to creative services, we aim to bring fresh perspectives and elevate every project we touch.

Located in the heart of Barcelona, 8AM is more than just a production agency. We are a team of passionate creatives focused on delivering innovative, high-quality work that surprises and inspires. Our expertise in fashion product photography and fashion video production sets us apart in the industry, and we’re proud of how far we’ve come. This is just the beginning, and we’re excited about the endless possibilities ahead.

As we continue to write the next chapters of 8AM’s story, we invite you to join us on this journey of creativity, innovation, and collaboration. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished as a production company in Barcelona, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds.

More coming UP!

New talent – Pedro Braga

Pedro Braga sits at a table with plates full of food.

We are thrilled to announce a new incorporation to the 8AM family. Pedro Braga Sampaio is a brazilian photographer primarily working in the fashion industry with a strong background in journalism.

Pedro’s work masterfully blends documentary and social concepts, capturing the essence of traditional and popular culture. His unique visual tone enriches his fashion photography, portraying the craft of fishermen, carnival festivities, and beach life with the same artistic flair he brings to fashion shoots.

Portraiture is a cornerstone of his work, emphasizing human perspective and character. Born in Minas Gerais, Pedro has lived in various cities across Brazil. His deep appreciation for authentic urban and popular culture is evident in his photography, making his work stand out in the fashion production landscape.

Since relocating to Barcelona in 2022, Pedro has focused on contemporary social themes prevalent in Spain, such as traditional folklore festivals and immigration issues. His versatility and innovative approach make him a valuable addition to any fashion brand.

Pedro Braga Sampaio’s work seamlessly integrates the worlds of fashion and documentary photography, offering a fresh perspective that is both captivating and culturally rich.

Tell us about yourself. How do you describe yourself? In three words


It’s 8AM, what do you do?

I have a cup of decaffeinated coffee with oat milk.

Your dream project?

My dream project is always my next project. Currently, I find myself very connected with social issues related to immigration in Spain.

Since when have you been attracted to the world of photography?

My uncle was a photojournalist who worked for the travel section of a Brazilian newspaper. I remember seeing his photos and thinking that photography was the perfect excuse to see the world. After that, I also became a journalist and soon discovered that the camera is a passport to get closer to people and places.

What was your first job?

My first job as a photographer was at a music magazine. Initially, I was a writer, but I soon asked to cover the shows, and that’s how it all began.

How do you define yourself as a photographer?

My intuition and my personality spontaneously connect me with people I don’t know. No shyness at all. It’s also because I strive to be sincere in what I find interesting about others. I wouldn’t be able to lie about liking someone and their style if it wasn’t true. So, I’m also very sincere.

What do you remember about your first job as a photographer?

I remember not wanting to go to work, feeling a lot of anguish and anxiety, afraid of not being able to capture anything, of missing an important moment of the show. But soon I would relax and want to keep photographing non-stop. In the end, I always had a lot of fun. It’s still like that today.

Who are your references in the world of photography?

Martin Parr. I identify a lot with his work. I look at his photos and think I wish they were mine. Among current photographers, I draw a lot of inspiration from Pedro Apolinário, Gleeson Paulino, and Rafael Paiva, Brazilians who beautifully blend documentary and fashion. Among international photographers, Quentin de Briey and Tom Johnson are special to me.

What prompted you to dedicate yourself to this profession?

My uncle was important. Having this image of the journalist who goes to Africa, who goes to Asia, etc. And then watching films like Hitchcock’s Rear Window, Antonioni’s Blow-Up, or Fernando Meirelles’ City of God. I could see myself in those characters, wanting the chance to experience something like that. Seeing the camera in the hands of these very interesting characters as something very powerful was important.

Talent, luck or effort, which do you consider more important?

Effort always.

Tell us about your latest project

My last personal project was about Hilário, one of the last fishermen of Lagoa da Encantada in southern Brazil. I accompanied this man during his workdays to photograph and listen to some stories. He told me that no one wants to be a fisherman anymore, that it is socially seen as something very primitive, but despite this, he entrusts to the sea his knowledge about life and nature. Hilário also told me that if he were an animal, he would like to be a seagull.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get started in the world of photography?

There’s still a long way to go in life and in my career before I can offer advice, but one thing I’ve learned so far is that I can’t try to be something I’m not. My life story, the place where I grew up, my culture, my country, my language—they will always be a part of everything I want to do. Perhaps the advice here is not to avoid trying to be what you’re not, but to delve deeply into who you are.

What advice would you have liked to have been given?

Do not underestimate the importance of backup your files. Organize everything by year, month, and day.

What is the work you are most proud of and why?

In 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic, I created and led a social project called POA150FOTOS. Through the sale of photographs, the project raised funds for marginalized communities in Porto Alegre, the city where I lived. We gathered over 150 photographers from all over Brazil for this initiative and managed to raise approximately 20 thousand euros for five different social projects. This work was significant because it showed me that it’s possible to help my community through photography and artistic projects.

More interviews coming UP!

Dancing into 2024

Four women dancing and jumping on the beach celebrating life as the 8AM production agency celebrates the beginning of the year.

As the 8AM production agency gracefully glide into the first week of the year, bidding adieu to a chapter filled with both challenges and triumphs, there’s an electrifying sense of anticipation for the new beginnings that stretch before us like an open dance floor.

In the spirit of renewal, we’re delighted to unveil a transformation close to our hearts—the revitalization of our logo. This change goes beyond aesthetics. It’s a symbol of our unwavering commitment to perpetual improvement, growth, and evolution.

It’s a visual testament to the journey we’ve embarked upon, both as a production agency and as individuals driven by passion and creativity.

Our motivation behind this change is simple yet profound: we want to celebrate the joy inherent in our craft. It’s the satisfaction derived from the intricate dance of management, the rhythm of production, and the constant movement that sometimes takes the form of a joyful dance.

Just as the A in 8AM awakens our day at 8 o’clock, we aspire to infuse that same vitality into our bodies and souls in this new year. So, let’s keep dancing! Let’s move to the beat of fashion, photography, advertising, and all the vibrant realms that inspire our creativity. This transformation is not just a logo. It’s a manifestation of our commitment to dance with life’s ever-changing melodies.

New Talent – Maria Huerga

At 8AM we are always willing to create, we like to do our bit to promote interesting projects. This is the case of Maria Huerga and her latest editorial “Terrain de Jeux“, produced by 8AM.

In News, we introduce you to Maria Huerga, New Talent, a multifaceted, delicate, talented artist and photographer:

Tell us about yourself. How do you describe yourself? In three words

Sensitive, demanding, passionate

It’s 8AM, what do you do?

Having breakfast after walking Milo.

Your dream project?

To be able to dedicate myself fully to photography and have my own studio.

Since when have you been attracted to the world of photography?

Since I was very young. I was born into a family dedicated to the image

What was your first job?

An advertisement as a model hahaha

How do you define yourself as a photographer?


What do you remember about your first job as a photographer?

It was a collaboration with a brand. I spent the day taking pictures for pleasure without looking for anything. I remember freaking out with my first salary for doing something I loved.

Who are your references in the world of photography?

Peter Lindberg, Todd Hido, Diane Arbus, among many others?

What prompted you to dedicate yourself to this profession?

A difficult time in my life. I got into photography unintentionally as a form of therapy.

Talent, luck or effort, which do you consider more important?

1 – Talent, 2 – Effort, 3 – Luck.

Tell us about your latest project

I’m experimenting with still photography on several shoots and I’m loving it!

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get started in the world of photography?

That sometimes results can take a long time to come but keep taking pictures and learning every day. Patience.

What advice would you have liked to have been given?

Despite the internal insecurities that sometimes surface, always believe in yourself and your intuition (they gave me the advice, that’s why) 🙂

What is the work you are most proud of and why?

I’m proud of all of them, but I really enjoyed the Bruma Ceramics project.

Where do you think the sector is evolving?

For my taste there is an overload of information and images, so we must be faithful to our principles and our essence to show what is most real about us.

PING PONG questions to Maria Huerga

A city: Berlin

A song: You’re so cool, Hans Zimmer

An album: Buena Vista Social Club, 1997

A singer: Sílvia Pérez Cruz

A book: Seda- Alessandro Baricco

A musician: Wim Mertens

A drink: Vermouth

A food: Spaghetti aglio e olio

A bar/pub : El Babá

A place: The south

A restaurant: El japo de mi barrio. Maruko

A movie: The Piano, by Jane Campion

Tell us something you love: Ordering

Your color: Orange

A trip: New Zealand, I would love it

A concert: Paul Kalkbrenner

Your favorite month: July

Animal that represents you: Cat

A dream: To live in the countryside

Festival you want to go to: Any festival right now

BSO while your reading – Chan Chan from Buena Vista Social Club

More interviews coming UP!

New talent – Indra Zabala

En 8AM creemos en los nuevos talentos y en seres apasionad@s por su trabajo. Esta semana tenemos el placer de entrevistar a Indra Zabala. Creativa por naturaleza y que acaba de dar a conocer su último trabajo con Areta Mata y Pablo de Pastors.

Aqui os dejamos la entrevista a New Talent – Indra Zabala:

Cuéntanos sobre ti. ¿Como te describes? En tres palabras

Extrovertida, perseverante y creativa

It’s 8AM, what do you do?

Tomarme un café con un cigarrillo mientras planifico el día

¿Tu dream project?

Tener un taller donde poder expandir todas las inquietudes que tengo

¿Desde cuando te atrae el mundo del arte?

Desde pequeña, mi abuela era pintora

¿Cuál fue tu primer trabajo?

Mi primer trabajo remunerado en el mundo de la fotografía y el audiovisual fue en 8AM. Aunque antes ya había hecho algunas cosas y sobretodo proyectos personales

¿Cómo te defines? Directora creativa o directora de arte?


¿Qué recuerdas de tu primer trabajo como directora de arte?

Un gran reto que superé

¿Quiénes son tus referentes en el mundo del arte?

Tengo muchos referentes y dependiendo del proyecto o de la época en la que me encuentre me inspiro en unos u otros.

Algunos referentes son: Vanessa Beecroft, Duane Michals, Jan Saudek, Elizaveta Porodina…

¿Qué te ha impulsado a dedicarte a esta profesión?

Mi instinto 

Talento, suerte o esfuerzo. ¿Qué consideras que tiene más importancia?

1. Esfuerzo – 2.Talento – 3.Suerte

Cuéntanos sobre tu último proyecto

Areta Mata, con un equipo de amigos maravilloso, buen rollo y muy buen resultado, ¡gracias a todos!

¿Qué consejo le darías a alguien que quiere iniciarse en el mundo de la dirección de arte? 

Que no pare de trabajar y crear aunque a veces cueste

¿Qué consejo te hubiera gustado que te dieran?

A pesar de las inseguridades internas que a veces afloran, cree en ti y en tu intuición siempre. (me han dado el consejo, por eso) 🙂

¿Cuál ha sido el trabajo del que te sientes más orgullosa y por qué?  

Areta Mata, por el trabajo realizado a pesar del tiempo dedicado y el esfuerzo. Por el equipo tan maravilloso que hemos sido y por haber conocido en profundidad a la diseñadora de joyas Alejandra Mata

¿Hacia dónde crees que evoluciona el sector? 

Cada vez más gente joven con talento, más opciones de trabajo en el mundo del ecommerce y más colaboración entre nostrxs

“Who Am I? I am Areta Mata” with @mabelolea_

Jewellery Designer @areta.mata
Photography & art direction @pablodpastors & @indrazabala
Styling by my love @ginaberenguerbarnils
Set Design by @adrianoem
Make up & hair by @pacopoki
Photography Assistant by @jonatancampos
Retouching by @mariarratibel
Special thanks to @tuset_studios & @lacapsularental

Preguntas PING PONG a Indra Zabala

Una ciudad: Ahora mismo Kerala (India) aunque no he estado.

Una canción: Funkadelic – Maggot Brain

Un disco:  Cr:Go – Meetsysteem

Un cantante:  Yves Tumor

Un libro: Mujeres del alma mía de Isabel Allende

Un artista: Francesca Woodman

Un músico:  Mac Miller

Una bebida: Vichy con hielo y limón

Una comida:  Paella

Un bar/pub : El chelo

Un lugar:  La naturaleza

Un restaurante:  El Cañete

Una película:  Las niñas

Cuéntanos algo que te encanta: Sentirme realizada

Tu color: Ahora mismo el verde flúor o el lila

Un viaje: A la India

Un concierto: Cualquier concierto sería bienvenido! hahaha

Tu mes favorito: Agosto

Animal que te representa: Los felinos

Un sueño: Vivir en el campo

Festival al que quieres ir: Dekmantel o a un festival de música experimental

BSO while your reading – 2009 from Mac Miller

More interviews coming UP!

Las revistas de moda y arte de 8AM

Photo by Andrea Bielsa

Existen infinidad de revistas de moda, viajes, arte…. En 8AM tenemos nuestras revistas de referencia, las que nos inspiran, las que nos hacen más creativos. Revistas con estéticas impecables, con fotos de buenísima calidad. Nos gusta devorar reportajes de lugares desconocidos, recónditos en el mundo, leer entrevistas de personas desconocidas o no, apasionadas y con mucho mundo interior. En definitiva, revistas que son piezas de arte, como libros, que invitan a viajar, a imaginar y a volar a través de sus páginas.

En este post queremos compartir 4 de las revistas de moda, arte y viajes que nos han inspirado estos últimos días:


Ahora que no tenemos esa libertad para viajar, Yolo Journal, en su primer número, nos invita a ello a través de sus páginas, transportándonos a rincones anónimos de Italia y conocer distintas facetas de su cultura e incluso a saborear mentalmente platos de pescado fresco de la costa de Taranto, en la Puglia al sur del país. ¡Muy recomendable!

Yolo Journal nace con la idea de que los fotógrafos compartan imágenes, relaten sus viajes que otros no han llegado a ver.

Apasionada de la fotografía, los viajes y la búsqueda de buenas ideas, Yolanda Edwards fundó Yolo Journal un par de años atrás. Anteriormente trabajó como directora creativa de la conocida revista Conde Nast Traveler.

Su frase favorita; “son historias reales compartidas por gente real”.

“A curious observer of ordinary plants and other greenery”

The Plant Magazine es una revista nacida en Barcelona en 2010 de la mano de tres apasionadas de la naturaleza. La revista habla de la relación entre el hombre y la naturaleza y de la manera en qué esta es capaz de manifestarse a través del arte, la fotografía, el diseño y la arquitectura.

En el número de primavera de 2020 podrás encontrar, temas actuales; desde el nuevo uso de Central Park, a una serie de fotos sobre árboles de Navidad totalmente fuera de lo común por Alasdair McLellan o viajar a Rio de Janeiro de la mano de Tom Johnson.


The Cloakroom explora con ingenio y rigor espacios excepcionales, la vida y la mente de quienes los habitan.

Reimaginando y replanteando una obsesión por los interiores, su revista bianual ofrece un estilo de vida hiperespecíficio a través de reportajes fotográficos, entrevistas y comentarios de los fotógrafos y escritores más influyentes de la industria creativa

Reportajes de todo tipo; como la artista japonesa Setsuko Klossowska de Rola en París, la viuda del pintor Balthus o al actor inglés Micheal Ward, el ganador del último premio BAFTA. Es como visitar varias exposiciones de fotografía al mismo tiempo, desde el sofá de tu casa.


Revista inglesa que ofrece una perspectiva fresca e inteligente de la moda. Se centra en un estilo personal; la forma en que realmente las mujeres se ven, sienten, piensan y visten. The Gentlewoman, ofrece fotografías de alta calidad y muestra mujeres inspiradoras a través de su combinación distintiva del glamour, personalidad y calidez.

Con una estética y diseño muy personal en su número de otoño invierno 2020 encontrarás entrevistas como la de Jannelle Monáe, cantante y actriz estadounidense o de la interiorista Ilse Crawford. También podrás conocer el análisis de la evolución del arte en New York, que habla de Barbara Kruger y su trabajo artístico “Untited Your Body Is a Battleground”.

Sus reportajes y entrevistas siempre son sobre mujeres.


More stories coming UP!

BSO while reading magazines Make Me Feel – Janell Monáe

Bye 2020, Welcome 2021

Neither Mars retrograde, nor the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn are going to stop the plans we have for this new year. We are entering the Aquarius era leaving 2020 behind.

We would like to remember one of the last productions for an international campaign we did in 2020 with Andrea Bielsa and Miguel Padial, two of the artists we represent in 8AM.

We want to share what it means to us to work with a good team.

If you know the world of production, you will know that they are very long days, sometimes in locations far from home and adverse and unpredictable situations.

At sunset and after hours, many photos, many miles accumulated and collecting an amazing display, the reward came!

We witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets of 2020. The sun was hiding behind the mountain, dyeing the sky in a thousand colors. Black clouds threatened and announced a storm. Even so, for a moment the clock stopped, we fell silent, we enjoyed the silence, the connection with nature, with ourselves.

Part of the team was already back, another part, the one that always arrives first, the last to leave, stayed. That was the moment of union and we remembered, once again, how we love our work. Those are the moments when a team stops being a team and becomes a family.

Sharing moments like this is a gift only for the lucky ones.

Photo by Anna Esparza 

BSO of that moment Running – Helado Negro

Francesca Rinciari, stylist at 8AM

Felices de anunciaros la nueva incorporación al equipo de 8AM. Francesca Rinciari, stytlist pero sobre todo amiga y compañera. Lleva años trabajado para importantes cabeceras, marcas y con  lo mejorcito de esta gran familia que es la moda. Es un culo inquieto y tiene ganas de dejar huella, pero asegura que la ropa en sí no le interesa… ¿quieres saber el porqué? Tendrás que leer su entrevista.

Francesca Rinciari, stylist“Soy de Milán , pero a los 21 años me mudé a Sevilla y sucesivamente a Barcelona y Madrid, donde vivo actualmente con mi perra Chipi. Respiro moda desde muy, muy pequeña, gracias a mi tía Gabriella, que trabajó 30 años para la casa Versace . Soy estilista, pero la ropa en sí no me interesa, solo es una herramienta para crear imágenes. Estoy obsesionada con crear imágenes. Después de varios años en S moda, Woman y Vanity Fair Italia, actualmente trabajo de directora creativa en el nuevo InStyle español”

¿Qué es para ti la moda?


¿Qué artista te inspira?

No puedo escoger uno, imposible! Últimamente estoy muy “Goyesca”

Dinos un fotógrafo de referencia.

Penn, Newton, Lindbergh, puedo escoger!

¿Cuál es tu color preferido?

El rojo. Para vestir el gris.

¿Última película que has visto?

Phantom Thread

¿Cuál es la última exposición a la que has asistido?

Procuro ir a menudo al Reina Sofía de Madrid, aunque solo a ver Guernica e irme corriendo.

¿Cuál es la canción que no puedes parar de escuchar? 

Últimamente The Chain de Fleetwood Mac 

It’s 8AM, what do you think?

It’s too early !

¿Qué llevas puesto ahora mismo?

Jersey oversize gris y jeans negros 

¿Medio de transporte?

Taxi o derivados

¿Café o té?

100 cafés

¿Encima o debajo?

En todas partes

¿Vino blanco o tinto?

Blanco, pero si es un buen whiskey, mejor

¿Qué te pone a mil?

Bailar con mis amigos

¿A una isla desierta con quién? (solo vale un nombre!)

Mi perra

¿Para que marca te gustaría hacer una campaña?

Loewe, entre otras. 

¿Qué te ha llevado hasta aquí?

La pasión, que soy italiana al fin y al cabo

Escribe lo que te dé la gana

Todo lo que escribo me hace sentir banal! Jajaja. Prefiero expresarme con imágenes

More interviews coming UP!

Beatriz Janer, photographer at 8AM

Esta semana os presentamos a Beatriz Janer, fotógrafa y videógrafa de 8AM. Beatriz lleva una larga trayectoria en el mundo de la imagen. Su extremada sensibilidad y visión personal de lo cotidiano retrata de su obra de manera única. Es una apasionada del viaje y se inspira en aquellos paisajes que ve y la gente que conoce. Tenaz y exigente en todo lo que se embarca. Si quieres saber más sobre ella tan solo tienes que entrar en esta entrevista. 

Beatriz Janer, fotógrafa: “Nací y vivo en Barcelona aunque he vivido a temporadas en otras ciudades. Estaría viajando todo el tiempo. Lejos de casa es cuando más en casa me siento. La gente que no me conoce dice que soy tranquila. Me gusta contemplar las cosas más aparentemente irrelevantes del día a día.”

¿Qué es para ti la moda?

Es como alguien al que idolatras; que te da miedo conocer por si te defrauda

¿Qué artista te inspira?

El trabajo de Sophie Calle

Dinos un fotógrafo de referencia.

Marcus Nilsson

¿Cuál es tu color preferido?

Classic blue

¿Última película que has visto?

La niña santa de Lucrecia Martel

¿Cuál es la última exposición a la que has asistido?

Time Bens We Come Closer, de Pedro Torres en Chiquita Room

¿Cuál es la canción que no puedes parar de escuchar? 

Going the distance de Menahan Street Band

It’s 8AM, what do you think?

Time to wake up and make dreams come true! 😉

¿Qué llevas puesto ahora mismo?

Camisa y pantalón de mi templo Uniqlo

¿Medio de transporte?


¿Café o té?

Café café café

¿Encima o debajo?

Al lado

¿Vino blanco o tinto?

Vino blanco de viñedos naturales

¿Qué te pone a mil?

Un buen sentido del humor

¿A una isla desierta con quién? (solo vale un nombre!)

Con Cayetana, mi perra

¿Para que marca te gustaría hacer una campaña?

New York Times Magazine

¿Qué te ha llevado hasta aquí?

La curiosidad

Escribe lo que te dé la gana

Un poema de The Descent – William Calos Williams:

The descent

The descent beckons
as the ascent beckoned.
Memory is a kind
of accomplishment,
a sort of renewal
an initiation, since the spaces it opens are new places
inhabited by hordes
heretofore unrealized,
of new kinds—
since their movements
are toward new objectives
(even though formerly they were abandoned).

No defeat is made up entirely of defeat—since
the world it opens is always a place
unsuspected. A
world lost,
a world unsuspected
beckons to new places
and no whiteness (lost) is so white as the memory
of whiteness    .

With evening, love wakens
though its shadows
which are alive by reason
of the sun shining—
grow sleepy now and drop away
from desire     .

Love without shadows stirs now
beginning to awaken
as night

The descent
made up of despairs
and without accomplishment
realizes a new awakening:
which is a reversal
of despair.
For what we cannot accomplish, what
is denied to love,
what we have lost in the anticipation—
a descent follows
endless and indestructible     .

More interviews coming UP!

Daniel Scheel, photographer at 8AM

Today we will introduce Daniel Scheel, photographer. The youngest of the tribe and with an incredible artistic projection represented by 8AM.

Hello! My name is Daniel Scheel, photographer. I was born in Madrid, but my dad is Valencian and my mum is German. I love everything related with visuals; even as a kid I would learn things much faster if they were taught with visual examples; therefore apart from photography, a big passion of mine is cinematography, I watch at least one film a day! Also one of my biggest passions are animals! I am an absolute animal lover and cannot comprehend people who do not think they are incredible beings.

I became vegan over 5 years ago after watching a documentary on YouTube and made a PowerPoint presentation in German on my 18th birthday which I sent to my mum explaining all the reasoning behind this ethical decision. I have never looked back.

Something quite funny is that my dad has been a DJ since he is 16 and he still continues at 60 years of age today! His taste in music has shaped mine which I am very thankful for because his knowledge on music and the music industry is beyond words.

And the last fun fact is I just moved to Paris a few weeks ago 🙂

What is fashion for you?

For me fashion is a way of finding an expression to communicate my ideas; or it can be the way round and be the source of inspiration for the rest of the puzzle pieces in a project.

Which artist inspires you?

An artist I absolutely idolize and always will do is Madonna! Very hard working, very smart and always breaking the rules and playing with stigma and taboo’s in society. The world today, especially for women would be very different as it is today if it wasn’t for her. She normalised so many things in culture which were very much seen as forbidden or inappropriate for women at the time being. Also just watch The Confessions Tour, nothing more to say.

Tell us a referral photographer


Which is you favourite colour?


What is the last movie you saw?

Le Professionnel (1981)

Which is the last exhibition you attended?

Dora Maar in TATE

Which song can’t you stop listening to?

Little Star by Madonna (surprise!)

It’s 8AM, what do you think?

Probably wandering around town or doing some yoga, so not much thinking at this time I am afraid!

What are you wearing right now?

Short pyjama pants!

Transport mode?


Coffee or tea?


On top or underneath?

On top 😉

White or red wine?

Non, I find wine kind of spicy and gives me weird burning sensation in my throat ha!

What turns you on?

Watching The Confessions Tour.

 To a desert island, with who? (Just one name)

My best friend Olivia, we know each other since we are 5/6 and I cannot imagine my life without her in it.

For which brand would you like to shoot a campaign?

Ooooh there are many! Definitely I would love to work and support a brand which is more ethically oriented with their team of workers; uses no animal materials and thinks twice when it comes to the environment.

What has brought you here?

To be honest just buying a camera when I was a teenager and taking pictures of my friends brought me here, and I am forever thankful for that.

Type whatever you want

Something which I make a priority and I wish people would do as well is creating a good vibe environment on set; where there is respect, fun and also good energy. We all understand it is work; but by making it a friendly environment we can go much further in all aspects. Too many egos get in the way of people nowadays (not only in fashion) and we really need to work very hard as a society in that area (myself included).

More interviews coming UP!